the Holiday Extravaganza

And the Winner of the 2014 Holiday Extravaganza is...

The 2014 Holiday Extravaganza was an exciting and rewarding experience for all who joined. Fifty-five people participated this year, and of them, forty-one got their money back! That means forty-one people were able to stay committed and either lose or maintain their weight throughout the holiday season! Wow! That's incredible and I'm so proud of everyone who participated in the challenge!  Here are the results! 


                                                    The Top 10 Winners

  1. Holly Garcia
  2. Megan Whitley
  3. Leah Hobbs
  4. Wynell Harper
  5. Colleen Pruett
  6. Elizabeth Johnson
  7. Angie Sanders
  8. Katie Collins
  9. Denise Spangler
  10. Jennifer Chastain

Holly Garcia had the largest weight loss, losing 6.97% of her body weight! She gets to take home $400 in cash to celebrate!

Holly Garcia

About Holly...

"I joined Holiday Extravaganza a few years ago and never bothered to show back up to weigh in. I didn't need the scale to tell me I had gained weight. This year I decided I was going to take control of the one thing I COULD control...what I put in my mouth. I cut out all processed foods and drank my body weight (in Kg) of water every day. I didn't count calories, but ate smaller portions. I feel that if I'm choosing the right foods to fuel my body there's no need to make it complicated by counting calories. And it's worked. I'm down a total of 19.4 lbs (12.8 lbs. during Holiday Extravaganza) and I plan on continuing this lifestyle. I have my bad days, but I make sure it's just a day and not a week! I never want to go back to that weight again!"

Megan Whitley and Leah Hobbs rounded out the top three with 6.93% and 6.37% of their weight lost, respectively. Both of these lovely women will take home TransFit prize baskets filled with goodies from local companies. 


The real reward for me was seeing how much weight some people lost and hearing how it positively impacted their lives. I know staying healthy over the holidays can be a challenge, especially with all the holiday food and parties, so it was truly inspirational to hear all your stories. Collectively, the participants lost 116 pounds, which is amazing!  To put that in perspective, 116 pounds of fat equates to roughly 738 Big Macs, 2,900 cans of Coke, or 3,867 bananas!

Want to get on right path to a healthy lifestyle? Email me at to register for January Jump Start Package, meal plans, personal training, and lots more!



It's Not Too Late to Jump Start Your January!

Many of you have already started setting your goals for the New Year and I'm so excited to see what you will accomplish in 2015! A healthy body,mind, and spirit can seem like an impossible goal to strive for, but you CAN DO IT and I would love to help! 

The first step is eating healthy, which is why I love to start off my year eating lots of fruits and vegetables. A fresh salad will give you the nutrients you need, energizing you to start the year off strong!


January Jump Start Salad


  • 2 cups baby spinach
  • 1 oz goat cheese
  • ¼ cup  walnuts or sliced almonds
  • 1 bartlet pear, ripe
  • ¼ cup pomegranate seeds or craisins
  • ½ cup raspberries
  • ½ avocado (sliced and sprinkled with lemon juice)
  • ⅓ c olive oil
  • ⅓ c balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • pepper

Instructions:    In a jar with an airtight lid, shake the second set of ingredients. Toss with greens & other ingredients & top with cheese last.  Try toasting walnuts/almonds to bring out a rich flavor!  Adding grilled or baked chicken would a great added source of protein!

Exercise is the other main component of a healthy lifestyle, which is why I'm offering new January Jump Start Packages to help you reach your fitness and nutrition goals. Email me at with questions.

And last but certainly not least, remember to come in for weigh-ins if you competed in the Holiday Extravaganza! The last day to weigh-in is this Friday the 9th! Get your $$ back, and see where you stack up against the others for cool prize packages.

Start 2015 off strong and you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish!



December Client Spotlight: Leah Hobbs

Holiday Extravaganza is well underway and we have over $1,100 in the bucket this year! That's a lot of cash on the line, and it will take a lot of willpower if you want to take home one of the prizes! Our first prize, an awesome gift certificate to Lululemon has just been presented to Leah Hobbs for completing the lemon water challenge! Keep striving for success and keep up with the Holiday Extravaganza for more holiday challenges and more chances to win!

Leah Hobbs  December Client Spotlight

Leah Hobbs has had some amazing willpower these past few months as she has avoided fried foods, sodas and she has exercised daily! Leah has been a client and friend since she moved to Athens over 3 years ago. She has set new goals monthly and she has achieved them!  Recently, Leah has really focused on getting her family eating right and staying active! Hard work does pay off, Leah, and I am so proud of you! Please read Leah's awesome story below-

I hope she will inspire YOU to reach new heights this holiday season!

leah hobbs

In her own words...

"I began my journey with Caroline 3 years ago…. Wow!

I knew that I had to find a place to exercise that would hold me accountable, push me and encourage me.  Working out at home was not going so well; I would find other things to do other than exercise.

      It has been a great journey…..the consistency of working out has not only made me feel stronger but has also motivated me to do other things.  I love strength training….two of my favorite exercises are dead lifts and chest press.  I have a love/hate relationship with Cardio, but I am working on that as I try to walk on days that I am not in the studio.  I ran my first half marathon last December.  It was a huge accomplishment crossing the finish line and I was so excited that I was not the last person to finish the race.  I learned to NEVER say …. NEVER.  I workout 3 times a week with Caroline and I walk or jog on 2 other days.

     This last year I have been making some nutritional changes.  Drinking lots and lots of lemon water, making better choices in foods and planning ahead.  These past 6 weeks I decided to give up my Zaxby’s fried chicken fingers and my sweet tea…. a true Southerner.  I don’t miss it at all.  I have been eating lots of protein, fruits and vegetables.   I feel better, have more energy and because of my decisions I am seeing positive results in my body. 

    And so I am excited about continuing my journey to a healthy lifestyle"

Photo by: Bhuvana

Energy Balls

  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • ½ cup peanut butter
  • 1 cup coconut flakes
  • 1/3 cup of honey
  • ½ cup flaxseed
  • 1 tsp vanilla

Directions: Mix ingredients in a bowl and shape into 1 inch balls. Refrigerate until firm, then enjoy!



Fun and Healthy Businesses in Athens- THANK YOU!


As many of you know, we are gearing up for the Holiday Extravaganza! GAME ON!! Last week's post showcased how the competition works and some of the cool prizes everyone has the opportunity to win. Many of these prizes wouldn't be possible without the help from some amazing local businesses, so I'd like to take a moment and thank the community for all its support! Some people only know Athens because of the University of Georgia, but I've been blessed to discover great companies and people who make Athens a fun and healthy place to live.

Athens Running Company- A locally owned, non-franchised store that carries shoes, apparel, and accessories for runners of all sizes and speeds. They professionally fit runners for shoes using video gait analysis so everyone can find the best pair of shoes for their needs.

Big City Bread Cafe- A family owned and operated restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner Monday-Saturday, as well as brunch on Sunday. Or swing by and pick up some of their freshly baked breads and pastries. Yum!

Canopy Studios- A flying aerial trapeze studio which offers camps and classes on the art of the trapeze, aerial yoga, and aerial fabrics. Instructors also offer private lessons for any level. Too scared to take to the skies? Canopy also has year end performances that are fun for all ages to watch.

Fire & Flavor- An Athens based store selling a variety of cooking products from cookbooks to turkey brine. Products can also be ordered from the website.

Glenn Alex Dentist- Dr. Glenn Alex and his caring staff provide great preventative, general, and cosmetic dental care. A healthy smile is an important part of a healthy body!

Journey Juice- A store offering a collection of all natural, local, cold pressed juices perfect for snacks, meals, or juice cleanses. Each bottle contains at least 2.5 pounds of raw vegetables & fruits, adding important vitamins and nutrients to daily diets.

Lululemon- Lululemon provides high quality yoga and running clothes for men and women. They also have accessories like bags, scarves, yoga mats, and water bottles.

SPARC Athens- A sports performance a rehabilitation center that provides training, massages, nutrition consulting, and performance evaluations. SPARC offers science backed, customized programs to maximize training and improve performance.

Spin Revolution- Spin Revolution offers cycling classes with unique combinations of music and choreography for fun workouts. Classes are scheduled at different times every day with different instructors, ensuring that you can find a class that fits your needs.

Two Story Coffee- A local coffee-house that offers more than just a delicious cup of coffee; Two Story also has art, music, and open mic nights.

YMCA- An extensive network of gyms, with one located in our very own Athens. The Athens YMCA has a great facility with state of the art fitness equipment, as well as amenities like a pool. Camps for children are also available, to make this a great, family friendly center.

If you would like to add in a prize for the gift baskets - it is not too late--please email me at

Also, it is not too late to join the challenge! Weigh-in's will be going on until Wednesday at 12pm! The Holiday Extravaganza is the best way to keep you accountable over the holiday season! 



Get Ready for the Holiday Extravaganza!


It's that time of the year again!

Time for the Holiday Extravaganza and time to weigh in BEFORE Thanksgiving! The  HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA is the best way to keep YOU accountable during the holiday season! If you would like to participate this year please email me at and we can find a time for you to come weigh in!   Please feel free to suggest the game to friends & family. The pot could be huge this year… but hopefully everyone will take their money back!


Start: week of November 17th    Finish: week of January 9th

To Play:

  1. Any person who wants to play puts $20 in the bucket
  2. WEIGH IN (Kept completely confidential)
  3. Do your best over the holidays (eat right, exercise, drink water,etc.)
  4. WEIGH IN the week of Jan 9th...

***If your weight stays the same -- you get your money back! SUCCESS!

***If you gain weight -- your money stays in the bucket.

If you are the biggest loser (I take the % of weight lost) you get to keep ALL the money in the bucket!!! OH YEAH!!! In previous years the winner received over $400 CASH- AFTER Christmas!!

cash-in hand

2nd place & 3rd place this year will win amazing gift baskets full of fun fitness prizes!



There will also be weekly challenges and prizes for winners!

The  HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA is the best way to keep YOU accountable over the holiday season!  Let’s DO IT!

 While you're in the studio to weigh in, I'd love for you to consider bringing in a few cans to donate to our first annual Canned Food Drive! The holiday season is a great time to count your blessings and take a moment to help others who may not be as fortunate. I am setting up two boxes in the studio for donations through the end of November for anyone who is interested. Cans are often on sale at grocery stores or you may even have a couple in the back of your pantry that could make a huge difference to a family in need. I'd love to have two FULL boxes by the end of the month to take to the local food pantry and to spread some holiday love.



FOCUS for the holiday months!

Friends, I hope the start of November finds you ready to clean the slate from Halloween treats and ready to FOCUS on the holiday months ahead. As things begin to pick up for the holiday season, you may find yourself struggling to stay focused on your healthy goals.

"But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded."

2 Chronicles 15:7

Your hard work will pay off in the coming months if you hold yourself accountable and stay focused on your goals! Colleen Pruitt is evidence of this! She won the September Food Journal Challenge by becoming more organized and diligent when it came to her eating habits.  Colleen wrote in her food journal and turned it in for me to review every week!  Today she continues to try healthy, new  recipes for her family's meals and she encourages her children to eat more fruits & vegetables.

colleen pruitt

To help others follow Colleen's path and hold themselves accountable to healthy eating, I offer weekly meal plans for only $10. These meal plans can be customized to accommodate gluten sensitivity, vegetarians, etc. Just click the link on my website or email me at for more information.

Another way you can hold yourself accountable this holiday season is by participating in the Holiday Extravaganza! Many of you may remember last year's competition, where participants wager $20 that they will maintain or lose weight during the holiday season. Those who keep off the pounds get their money back after New Years, and get the chance to win a basket full of goodies from local Athens establishments, and the grand prize of CASH after the holidays!

More details will be revealed soon, but for now download the following calendar and start challenging yourself to a healthy, happy holiday season!

November2014 CALENDAR



Holiday Extravaganza Game!



 Friends! Holidays are around the corner and it is that time of year when we may be stressed and thinking negatively about our bodies and what temptations may lie ahead. This month let’s focus on being thankful for the bodies that we have and taking care of what God has given us! Focus on the positive in both ourselves and life is a reminder we could all use a little more often. Accountability is the missing piece for many people over the holidays. This year, stay accountable to yourself with the Holiday Extravaganza Game!

Details are below! Email me when you would like to come in to weigh! Don’t forget the cardio challenge this week (30 minutes of your favorite cardiovascular exercise) Email me by the end of the 7 days that YOU DID IT and you will be in a drawing for a weekly prize!! Printable calendars are available here.


It’s that time of year again…
Time for the Holiday Extravaganza and time to weigh in BEFORE Thanksgiving! If you would like to participate this year please call or e-mail ( and we can find a time for you to come weigh in!   Please feel free to suggest the game to friends & family. The Game is open to EVERYONE!  The pot could be huge this year… but hopefully everyone will take their money back!
Start: week of November 18th    Finish: week of January 8th
To Play: 1. Any person who wants to play puts $20 in the bucket
2. WEIGH IN (Kept completely confidential)
3. Do your best over the holidays (eat right, exercise, etc.)
4. WEIGH IN the week of Jan 8th...
***If your weight stays the same -- you get your money back! SUCCESS!
***If you gain weight -- your money stays in the bucket.
If you are the biggest loser (I take the % of weight lost) you get to keep ALL the money in the bucket!!! OH YEAH!!! Last year Brionne Antwine won $400 CASH- AFTER Christmas!!
2nd place & 3rd place this year will win an amazing gift basket full of fun fitness prizes!
The National gift certificate
Journey Juice gift certificate
Pure Barre gift certificate
Plane Jane Coupons
Fire & Flavor goodies & cookbook
Nuance Skin Boutique gift certificate
Georgia Cycle Sports gift certificate & goodies
Fresh Market gift certificate
Thirty One bags & coupons
HomeMade gift certificates
Fleet Feet coupons
Fresh Market Gift Certificates & goodies
Earth’s Best Coupons
And many more!
There will also be weekly challenges and prizes for winners!
is the best way to keep YOU accountable over the holiday season!  Let’s DO IT!
Can't wait to see you soon! Blessings, Caroline