
Does What you Think Help Transform your Body?

Happy Thursday! We have loved spending this October with you! Please let our Team encourage and uplift you as we go into the holiday months. Our theme this month has been optimism in October. It is easy to get down on ourselves and feel that we are not good enough in certain areas, or maybe all areas. But, we want to encourage you and tell you that YOU ARE ENOUGH. You are strong, beautiful, hard working, and dedicated and you are enough.

TransFit Trainer Demetria  "D" is sharing the importance of positive self talk! Take just a few minutes to reset and refocus your thoughts and enjoy her post on positive self talk! 

Do you ever hear that little voice in your head that either speaks confident positive thoughts continuously or maybe even negative thoughts? Although no one else hears that voice, it greatly impacts our lives on a day to day basis. That little voice is what is call self talk. Although you may not realize it, you are already practicing self-talk, without even actually vocalizing these thoughts. Self-talk has a HUGE impact on confidence and even motivation.  Developing better or positive self-talk takes hard work but is an essential piece to living healthy body, mind, and spirit. 

Benefits of positive self-talk:

  • Truly feeling better about yourself
  • Boosting your confidence
  • Building your self esteem
  • Reducing stress
  • Beginning to recognize the optimistic voice in your head
  • Feeling a sense of clarity

3 Ways to practice positive self talk.

1. Listen in - we don’t always consciously take note of that we’re saying in our minds. The first step in improving your self-talk is to actually notice what your inner voice is saying. Take some time each day to listen, and even write down, what you’re thinking.

2. Monitor- is your self-talk more positive or negative? Start questioning your self-talk asking things like:

·      Is there a more positive way of looking at this?

·      Am I keeping everything in perspective?

·      Can I do anything to change what I’m feeling bad about?

3. Adjust- changing your self-talk it easier said than done, but definitely worth working on. Try by countering your negative thoughts with positive ones by shifting your focus on I will, or I can thoughts. For example: Thinking things like:

·      I am capable.

·      I know who I am and I am enough.

·      I choose to be present in all that I do.

·      I choose to think thoughts that serve me well.

·      I choose to reach for a better feeling.

·      I share my happiness with those around me.

·      My body is my vehicle in life; I choose to fill it with goodness.

"For as she thinks within herself, so she is..." Proverbs 23:7

"For as she thinks within herself, so she is..." Proverbs 23:7

Continue to work hard this month ladies and focus on your self talk. It is so important to fill our minds with thoughts of things above. The October Challenge is coming to an end soon! Continue to push yourself to do some sort of exercise daily. One of your exercises could be to come to our new HIIT Cardio class at 5:30 AM on Thursday mornings! You can sign up on the app or MindBody! We would love for you to join us! If you have any questions, please email us at transfitathens@gmail.com. 


Team TransFit

Drawing Strength from Philippians 4:8

philippians 4;8

The month of October we have focused our thoughts on  Philippians 4:8… ”whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

This verse has really come alive for me through reading the book The 4:8 Principle and through exploring the power of positive thoughts in my own life. I hope it will come alive for you too as we move into the crazy holiday season. Draw strength from it to remember your blessings and triumphs, especially on difficult days.


I wanted to share this excerpt that I read today from the Daniel Plan. It reminds me of how important our thoughts are when are trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

By: Rick Warren

“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.”(Proverbs 4:23 TEV)

But there’s a better option: Change your autopilot. The same is true with your health habits. To make a lasting change, you must change how you think. Behind everything you do — even your unhealthy habits — is a thought that keeps you from getting healthy.


So friends, I challenge you to change your mindset today!

Tell yourself TODAY is the day I am going to live a healthy lifestyle!

I challenge you to stop making excuses, and start making progress towards reaching your goals! 

As Rick Warren stated, the first step in this is changing our autopilots. Do you typically reach for a soda during lunch or after a long day at work? For a week, try reaching for water or green tea instead. At first it may be difficult but the more you repeat this action, the more ingrained it will become in your mind until it is a habit.

However, this isn't enough unless you also change your thoughts to accompany your new habits. Instead of thinking about how much eating healthy stinks or what you are missing out on, think about the positives of your new choices.  Think about all the amazing foods that you CAN eat! Eating healthy, well-balanced meals will give you more energy and focus during the day, and will provide health benefits in the long term. Regular exercise will allow you to explore the beautiful world around you, and may help you meet some new friends that share your passions.

Please remember that you don't have to do any of this alone. Make a commitment with your family members to eat healthier and support this goal by not keeping junk food in the house. Try a new class at the gym or join a fitness club related to your passions to meet new friends who will hold you accountable to keep exercising. Encourage other friends to meet up for an activity outside, such as a walk around the park, instead of meeting for coffee.

As always, I am available to help with nutrition and different types of exercise. Meal planning can be so helpful during these busy months ahead. Also, if you are looking to run a race or begin running I have recently become a Certified Newton Running Coach. Email me at transfitathens@gmail.com or click on the appropriate tab on the blog on my website www.transfitathens.com for specifics on services on meal planning, personal training, and running coaching.

Blessings and positive thoughts for this week,
