Get Ready for the Holiday Extravaganza!


It's that time of the year again!

Time for the Holiday Extravaganza and time to weigh in BEFORE Thanksgiving! The  HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA is the best way to keep YOU accountable during the holiday season! If you would like to participate this year please email me at and we can find a time for you to come weigh in!   Please feel free to suggest the game to friends & family. The pot could be huge this year… but hopefully everyone will take their money back!


Start: week of November 17th    Finish: week of January 9th

To Play:

  1. Any person who wants to play puts $20 in the bucket
  2. WEIGH IN (Kept completely confidential)
  3. Do your best over the holidays (eat right, exercise, drink water,etc.)
  4. WEIGH IN the week of Jan 9th...

***If your weight stays the same -- you get your money back! SUCCESS!

***If you gain weight -- your money stays in the bucket.

If you are the biggest loser (I take the % of weight lost) you get to keep ALL the money in the bucket!!! OH YEAH!!! In previous years the winner received over $400 CASH- AFTER Christmas!!

cash-in hand

2nd place & 3rd place this year will win amazing gift baskets full of fun fitness prizes!



There will also be weekly challenges and prizes for winners!

The  HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA is the best way to keep YOU accountable over the holiday season!  Let’s DO IT!

 While you're in the studio to weigh in, I'd love for you to consider bringing in a few cans to donate to our first annual Canned Food Drive! The holiday season is a great time to count your blessings and take a moment to help others who may not be as fortunate. I am setting up two boxes in the studio for donations through the end of November for anyone who is interested. Cans are often on sale at grocery stores or you may even have a couple in the back of your pantry that could make a huge difference to a family in need. I'd love to have two FULL boxes by the end of the month to take to the local food pantry and to spread some holiday love.

