Back To School Healthy Meal Plan & Tips for August🍎🍇🍏

Sweet friend,

What an awesome start to August! We are so excited you are getting active this month! Let's reset, recharge, and keep focused to make August the best month, yet! It’s time to COMMIT to your goals! 1-1 30 minute sessions are a great way to jump start your best 2nd half of 2022! 

Back to school time! đź“š   Let's also get back into our routine of healthy lunches and dinners! Some days, the thought of planning out meals may seem overwhelming. We are excited to help you jump back into this school year one step ahead! 

The TransFit Nutrition Team is sharing a weekly meal plan with you along with tips and tricks to get your family back into a healthy routine! Your meals and workouts are already planned out for your family to give you the kick-start you need to get back on track! The Back to School Meal Plan has a week’s worth of family-friendly healthy meals with recipes that are laid out for you to help make this transition back to school a smooth one! Download the meal plan and recipes below and check out the “Back to School Tips and Tricks!”

Recipes the Whole Family Will Love!

Get excited! These recipes will be a hit for your whole family - leaving every plate empty! With busy schedules during the week, set time aside to meal prep on a day that works for you- possibly over the weekend! Meal Prep is a key to your success in reaching your goals! Meal prepping weekly will help you feel more organized and less rushed when it comes to making meals for your family. Download these tasty recipes and start your meal prep today!

Lunch Box Essentials

In addition to our meal plan, we want to provide 5 packing items that you should include in your child's lunch for school! These five items allow you to ensure that your child is getting in their nutrition needs for the day!

1. Protein

The protein doesn’t have to come from meat! Sure you can roll up a couple slices of deli meat, like roast beef, turkey, chicken or ham, but try a variety of protein sources — like a cheese stick (or shredded cheese as my child prefers!), yogurt (just look for low-sugar kinds and resist any artificial sweeteners). You can use different nuts or nut butters (great for dipping, too), beans, hummus or hard-boiled eggs. *Check out our previous blog on protein here! *

2. Whole grains

Buy whole grains when you can, like whole wheat bread or pasta. Substitute two slices of bread with a whole grain wrap. Add in some whole grain crackers for dipping. You can also try the 1/2 and 1/2 trick for a while to help transition your kids to whole wheat!

3. Colorful fruits and vegetables

This is a great way to add in fiber and antioxidants. Whole pieces of fruit are great — apples, bananas, oranges, or get creative with the mini fruit kabobs using grapes and berries. Slice up veggies, like a bright red bell pepper or celery. Along with carrots, these vegetables are great for dipping so include a container with a yogurt-based Ranch dressing, fresh salsa, hummus or even guacamole!

4. Sweet and salty snacks

Mix up a healthy trail mix, or include raw nuts, dried fruits or pretzels. You can freeze tubes of yogurt for a cool treat. Enlist your child’s help over the weekend to prepare homemade energy balls or granola bars for their lunches, too.

5. Hydration

Pack a mini-bottled water or an organic low-fat milk. When you can, avoid fruit juices. Stick to whole fruit options in their lunchbox to avoid any added sugars. Add in electrolytes to your child’s lunch can also help them stay hydrated! 

Back to School Tips and Tricks

Check out these awesome tips and tricks to help your family get back in the routine of eating healthy! It’s important to get your kids involved in the process of choosing and making healthy recipes to keep them intrigued and excited! Check out the tips and tricks below to incorporate into your meal prepping!

Commit this August!

As our summer schedules come to an end and the school year begins, we want you to activate your mind, body, and spirit to make August the best month yet! Our goal in August is to be ACTIVE EVERY DAY and COMMIT to the WATER CHALLENGE! đź’¦Even if it is a quick walk around the neighborhood, a nice walk with the family, swimming with the kids, yoga, or stretching, anything counts! Just get up and move for at least 30 minutes each day! Download the August COMMIT challenge and August Water Challenge to help keep track of your exercise and progress! Fill in each day with your activity and record your water intake and then email it to us at the end of the month for a chance to win a FREE MONTH of sessions!

TransFit Girls Ebook

Let’s help our daughters live transformed! This plan is filled with fun workouts, tasty recipes and meal plans, and encouraging inspiration! 

We hope you enjoy the Back to School Meal Plan and recipes! We are excited to help you kick-start August with these recipes to help you COMMIT to your nutrition goals! Take a picture when you try these awesome recipes and send them to!

We are loving our NEW FALL SCHEDULE! 
Check the
 TransFit App for the updated schedule and session times and sign up for your session at least 24 hours in advance to ensure you get the time you need. Please arrive 5 minutes before your session starts and bring your sparkle towel.

Thank you for all that you do by being such inspiring women in this community! We are truly stronger together.

Check out our website for blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit