40 minute workout

Summer Blast Workout

During the summer, it can be hard to find time everyday to get to the gym or complete an extensive workout! So I have come up with a full-body, quick (40 minute) SUMMER BLAST WORKOUT! Complete these exercises for an amazing full body workout! The best part of this routine is that there are NO WEIGHTS NEEDED! Complete this workout anytime throughout the day, all you need is 40 minutes!  

Remember, the question isn't CAN YOU, it's WILL YOU?? 

Enjoy the workout and keep striving toward your goal of a            healthy lifestyle!

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Examples of the exercises


For the month of June, I challenge each and every one of you to complete a set of abs every day! Try each morning when you wake up or right before you go to bed to complete any type of ab workout! Whether it be crunches, planks, scissor kicks, reverse crunches, shoelace touches, or any other type of ab workout you can think of! Anything counts! Try starting off with 3 sets of 15 reps for the first week (add more if that isn't challenging enough), and each week try increasing your sets by 1! Click on the calendar below to download the June abs challenge to help you keep track of what ab set you complete each day! Fill in each day what you complete and show it to me JULY 1ST and one person will win a FREE TRAINING SESSION! Untitled

I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck!!

     Blessings, Caroline