April Arms & Abs Workout

Take a deep breath in. Exhale slowly. Some days can seem like a battle but know that you are stronger than you realize! With the right attitude, focus, and endurance you can make it through anything.

"Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you." Proverbs 4:25

Focus on taking the activities of your day one at a time, and doing each of them to the best of your abilities. You can't get the most out of a workout when you are worrying about what to make for dinner or when to pick up the dry cleaning. You need to put your mind to the task at hand, complete it, then take on your next challenge.

"He trains my hands for battle, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze." Psalms 18:34

The workout will build some amazing core strength and definatley  tone up your arms so you'll be ready for your next battle.

April Arms Workout

Watch the video for some guidance on proper form for each exercise and remember to stretch afterwards!

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