Suzanne Kilgore


Summer vacations are in full swing as we head into July. Make your summer vacation a healthier one this year by making time to eat healthier foods, take a longer walk or run on the beach, or play active games with the family at your destination. Enjoying these extra moments with family helps you relax and refuel for the upcoming months. I have recently heard of so many families making better choices for their family vacations that I had to brag on them in hopes to inspire YOU to plan a more active, healthy family vacation this year.

Valerie Langley and her family organizes an entire family beach 5k equipped with water stops and 5k t-shirts! Each year the 5k group has grown, with a record turn out this year, and Valerie achieved a record time of 25 minutes!

Langley Family 5k Photo 2013

Langley Family 5k Photo 2013

The Kilgore family has made a change from staying in a hotel in Amelia island to staying in a condo with a full kitchen so they can prepare their meals and not eat out as often.  Some of Suzanne's families favorite staples are yogurt parfaits, smoothies, and raw veggies (such as cucumbers and carrots) with hummus.

The Kilgore Family getting ready to enjoy a family vacation!

The Kilgore Family getting ready to enjoy a family vacation!

The Bennett family next week plans to join together for a family vacation after many family members run the Peachtree road race. Their 4th of July festivities include purple cable slaw & roasted beets in a vinaigrette, followed by yoga on the grassy lawn! WOW!

Russell & Charles Bennett on a healthy active beach vacation!

Russell & Charles Bennett on a healthy active beach vacation!

Kelly running to the bike in the Williamsburg Half Iron Man!

Kelly running to the bike in the Williamsburg Half Iron Man!

Friend, Jason Matthews, high fives his kids during the Williamsburg Half Iron Man race!

Friend, Jason Matthews, high fives his kids during the Williamsburg Half Iron Man race!

I just love these fresh ideas! Our family just returned from a trip to Williamsburg, Virginia where my husband, Kelly, competed in his first Half Iron Man in 17 years.  A company named Rev 3 organized the race and touts this event as a family friendly race with a 1 mile glow run, a family adventure course, and the triathlon. At the race finish, the company sets up jumpy houses, face painting, hoola hoops, and poster decorating making it fun for all! We like to incorporate our family vacations with a race or active event - so the days after the race we toured Colonial Williamsburg, slid down the water park rides, and experienced roller coasters at Busch Gardens!

The Matthews family also traveled to Williamsburg to enjoy a fun, active family vacation. Jason, UGA Accounting Professor, has recently started competing in triathlons and over the past year has transformed his lifestyle completely.  His wife, Pam, and four children enjoy coming to support him in his new found passion!

Eating healthy at these theme parks and vacation destinations  can be tricky, but planning ahead makes it possible!!! We always pack a backpack full of water bottles, nuts ,apples ,and premade sandwiches in case of those "I am starving!" moments. Of course, we let the kiddos have a treat while out, but trying to teach them to make their own smart choices will help them to become stronger and healthier so that they can grow strong and enjoy all the Busch Gardens rides!

Here is a list of some vacation travel snacks for you to pack! Never leave home without your cooler in your car!

Top 10 Healthy Vacation Snacks

1. Bottled waters 2. Apples 3. Almonds/Walnuts 4. Cheese sticks 5. Luna Protein Bars & Kids Cliff Bars 6. Grapes 7. Dry cereal in Ziplock bags 8. Pretzel thins 9.Raisins 10. Whole wheat peanut butter crackers

kids clif bar

kids clif bar



Blessings, Caroline

The Ward Family Pre-Race!

The Ward Family Pre-Race!