How to Come Alive in April- 5 Transformation Tips

Happy April!

April is the perfect time to recharge and come ALIVE! We are encouraging each of you to come alive through this month's challenge- the April Arms Challenge! Challenge yourself daily with the exercises below! Get your family and friends to join you too. This is a great way to tone up your muscles and get in the habit of doing exercises daily. Click on the calendar to get this April challenge started!


A- Action. Take action on your health! 

P- Pray. Take time for reflection and be grateful for your blessings! 

R- Renew. Renew your goals! 

I- Ignite. Ignite passion for exercise. Exercise is worship!

L- Love. Love the body you have and give your best! 

5 Transformation Tips

1. Avoid giving restraints toward God. Allow Him to take ACTION and believe that He can and will work in big ways! Invite Him into your month and ask Him to guide you and your goals!

2. Be in PRAYER. Plan your quiet time and lay it out the night or day before! 

3.RENEW your goals. Rewrite your goals. Challenge yourself to set 2 specific goals for the month and set 1 goal for each day and proud around it! 

4. IGNITE a spark in your exercise and workout with a friend! Accountability is such an important part of living transformed!

5.  Believe that God LOVES you! He sees you as a chosen daughter- enough and beloved! 

Let's come ALIVE in April! We believe in you! We look forward to seeing you in the studio this month, as we take on the April Arms challenge! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit