Congrats to Our Holiday Extravaganza Winners!


After a wonderful holiday season, the 2017 Holiday Extravaganza has finally come to a close! We have been so encouraged by the stories from so many competitors, and we had a blast doing this again with you all! Over 100 people played and over 3/4 of the participants received their money back! That means they kept their weight the same or lost weight over the holidays! WOW- that is hard! Congrats to EVERYONE who played! You should be proud of yourself for being accountable over the holidays! Here are the final results: 

1. Brionne Antwine- 15.36%

2. Angie Sanders- 8.07%

3. Kelly Strickland-6.79%

4. Mary McKillip

5. Kathy Cousart

6. Catherine Warner

7. Kasey Dillard

8. Jennifer Rickard

9. Megan Melton

10. Melynda McCutcheon

We will do a spotlight on our top five winners throughout the month! We encourage you to read these spotlights and draw inspiration from these hard working ladies! We are so blessed by their words and we are so motivated by their transformations!  Our prayer is that the spotlights will light a spark in YOU to give your best this year! Way to go ladies! 


First Place Winner- Brionne Antwine

My name is Brionne, I am married to Jamie, and we have 4 kids, ages 5-12. While trying to balance kids at three different schools who are all playing sports, working part time as a nurse at Piedmont Athens Regional, and keeping up with my husband’s busy work schedule, nutrition and exercise was not the priority it should have been. It was all too easy to pick up a pizza or go though the drive thru between practices. When I stepped on the scale at the beginning of the Holiday Extravaganza, I knew something needed to change! The first step was to end my relationship with Dr. Pepper  The break up wasn’t as hard as I anticipated, and the more water I drank, the more I craved...water! I made it a priority to get in 96oz a day. I started keeping a food journal, and at first submitting daily to Caroline. Talk about accountability! I found ways to incorporate more vegetables in my diet, and spinach has found a permanent place in our fridge. I aimed for a salad a day, and added spinach and fruit smoothies into my morning routine. I found myself sautéing zucchini for lunch, which was a far cry from my ham and cheese sandwiches with a side of Chex Mix! 

The hardest week for me was attempting the “No Added Sugar” challenge. I almost quit before I even started! But I learned so much that week! Turns out that my “healthy” yogurt, wasn’t so healthy after all! It was loaded with sugar! I switched to the Dannon Oikos Triple Zero yogurt, which allows for a flavored yogurt with no added sugar. And I learned that most salad dressings have sugar (I honestly had no clue), but that a little olive oil and red wine vinegar still tastes delicious on my spinach, feta cheese, strawberry, and walnut salads!

I had fallen way out of routine with exercise, so Caroline encouraged me to aim for at least 30 minutes a day. Some days I would walk, some days I would jog, and some days I’d dust off an old workout DVD. Most importantly, I didn’t get discouraged when I missed a day. I planned exercise into my schedule, and my husband was very supportive to give me that “me time.” 

Now, I am looking forward to attending weekly Transformer classes. I love the accountability, and just because the challenge is over, I don't want this journey to end! Seeing results gives me the encouragement to continue! 


Well done to all contestants! We are so incredibly proud of everyone who competed! Remember that the January Jump Start can still be purchased! We would love to have you join us in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle this year! 


Team TransFit

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